
Karmen Murn

Karmen Murn is an experienced youth worker with her expertize mostly on the intercultural education, tolerance and human rights, youth research, project management and other education for youth and youth workers. In the last few years she has mostly mentored youth workers finding their youth work style and is focusing on the development and quality as well as the impact of the youth work. She has been active in youth work since 2005.

Severina Siter

Severina Siter is a translator, language teacher, dancer, stewardess of the Earth, energy healing practitioner and embodied journeying facilitator who is passionate about all things human and creative. She is active in formal and non-formal education, has participated in several international trainings and exchanges and has also worked with the international volunteers. She is passionate about empowering people to trust their deep innate wisdom of embodiment that is calling us back to the roots to joyfully connect with our planet, ourselves and others.

Antonio Britvar

Antonio Britvar is a young educator, international youth leader and multimedia engineer focused on international web, graphic design and user experience design projects. His latest work involves creating multimedia content for elementary and high school curriculums as well as designing and co-leading youth festival and educational programs. Analogue by birth and digital by design, he is an avid tech, science fiction and language aficionado.

Nils Leichsenring

Nils Leichsenring is an international youth leader, supporting young people mostly in the field of finding and developing personal creativity and competence building. He is an expert in creative writing and storytelling. His recent focus is on developing multiple intelligences with other international partners and bringing more sport and creative activities in youth work.