Training course on Positive Conflicts

Looking at conflict is particularly important when it comes to European youth projects, where ideological and cultural differences be, they political, religious, cultural and language can be ideal breeding ground for the emergence of interpersonal conflicts. This diverse context can become a growth opportunity and a framework for learning, where conflict becomes the key to personal and professional growth and development. This methodology is a development from ‘Theatre of the Living Experience’ which originally comes from the US.

With adaptations to an educational environment we have incorporated elements that make it a very attractive and powerful tool for youth workers who work in European projects. The Theatre Experience seeks to create spaces of trust where participants can play different roles they acquire and build characters from improvisation. Part of the methodology is recreating daily conflicts with the objective of stimulating the emotional memory of the participant, to help them reconnect with real life situations where conflict management is still blocked and thus to become aware of where the problem is and of course how to fix it and what tools are needed for that. Experience Theatre helps participants to analyse their own strategies (conscious and unconscious) to address conflict situations, how to extract lessons from them and how to help others to experience the same learning process.

About the trainers

Diego Marin is a Gestalt therapist and is specialized in experiential learning and non formal education since 1997. For more than 15 years working with groups of various kinds, youth and social workers, teachers, health workers, trainers, public staff, groups of adolescents, prisoners, etc. Member of the trainers of the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe, Spanish National Agency for Youth and the SALTO trainers Pool. Formed in social theatre in Spain, with the help of Yoshi Oida (actor and companion of Peter Brook ("The essence of the actor"), David Martinez (Theatre of the Oppressed), Anton Valen (The Way of the Clown) and Allan Owens (Pretext Drama).

Suzana Krstić is an experienced manager and working in international youth field for more than a decade. She has coordinated within projects funded by European Youth Foundation and was a support person in more than 30 international projects. She has Masters in psychology and considerable training in conflict resolution education. She is also a highly qualified facilitator, trainer and in last 15 years she was trainer in additional 20 international training courses/Seminars and more than 150 local training courses. She is an author of a training course that Icelandic NA presented as a best Youth in action project/training course in 2011 in Iceland.

Training course will happen in Cortemilia in Italy from 21.7. till 29.7.2021. Participation fee is 150 EUR per person. Ambitia Institute offers two places to participants who live in Slovenia. Project has been funded by the Erasmus + programme.


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